Sunday, March 7, 2010

Race For Literacy

This morning I ran an 8K with my dad down at Balboa Park. It was great! It rained on us the entire time and we all ran with trash bag ponchos, looking like drowned rats, but it was exciting. I ran faster than I think I ever have in a race. It was almost 5 miles and I finished in 42 mins and 27 seconds. I think that's somewhere around an 8 minute 45 second mile (but I'm terrible at math). That's good for me.

I love running with my dad. There's nobody else with whom I would prefer to run. He always makes me feel like I'm challenging him somehow, but I know that's not true. He's an avid runner and has been for 40+ years. He joked today saying he wins his own race because he's the first gray-haired man with a pony tail to finish the race. So there we were, in the rain, finishing the race. It was a great start to the day.

Last night we had old friends come over, The Kosiks. It was a great time. We got pizza for the kids and sushi for the grown-ups. Maya played with their 3-year-old, Marley. They danced ballet in her room with tutus. It was so sweet for me to see her playing with a little girl her age. She's always with older kids because of Grant and because most of my friends don't have kids her age (and a year is a big difference at this age) she doesn't interact with kids her age. I look forward to preschool for her for that reason. Grant and Baden played swords and fooseball. It was a great night.

It's family day because it's Sunday and Troy's home. So I'm off. But I'm going to try to remember to write on here every so often. Much love.

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